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Nabídka stipendia pro studium Master of Science in International Health Policy and Management

7. 12. 2004 - PRAHA [Brandeis University]

Americká Brandeis University nabízí plné stipendium pro studium Master of Science in International Health Policy and Management. Tento program je určen zájemcům z řad pracovníků nejen státního, ale i neziskového a nevládního sektoru, kteří se věnují zdravotnické politice a managementu.

The Master of Science in International Health Policy and Management (IHPM) Program is pleased to announce a competition in which a full tuition and fees scholarship will be awarded to an early to mid-career development professional with a demonstrated commitment to effective health policy and management. The Scholarship for this one-year degree begins in August 2005.

The M.S. Program is designed to train students to take on increasingly responsible roles in health policy planning, and in the management of policy and program implementation in health ministries and planning agencies, multilateral and bilateral development organizations, and NGOs. Students in this one-year program learn how to make the best use of policy analysis to determine which plans work, which are the most cost-effective, and which are sensitive to a country’s values and culture.

The IHPM Scholar will receive full tuition and fee remission for the 2005/2006 academic year. The scholarship does NOT cover airfare, health insurance or any living expenses. Although nominations are encouraged from international and governmental development institutions and NGOs, self-nominations are accepted. Women, and candidates with experience in policy, service delivery or education-related work with poor and vulnerable populations are especially encouraged to apply.

Nominators may mail, fax (781-736-2774) or email (HellerAdmissions@brandeis.edu) a letter of nomination to the Admissions Office.

Applications (to be submitted by the applicant) should include:
A Letter of Interest in the IHPM Scholarship
A completed Application Form (which can be downloaded from our website or submitted on-line)
A Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume
A detailed Statement of Purpose describing your career objectives and work experience
Three original letters of recommendation (at least one professional and one academic) on official letterhead sent directly to the Admissions Office from the recommenders. These letters must be accompanied by a Brandeis University Recommendation Form. (Faxed letters are acceptable to begin the review but originals are required before any offer of admission or award can be made.)
Original or certified true copies of transcripts from all university-level studies, sent directly to the Admissions Office from each university. (An unofficial transcript of university record is acceptable to begin consideration but the original is required to complete the application.) Transcripts in languages other than English must be accompanied by an official English translation.
An official TOEFL or IELTS score report is required for all international applicants.
Official GMAT or GRE scores are encouraged, but not required.

Detailed instructions on completing an application can be found in the Admissions section of the SID website.

To learn more about the SID Master of Science Program, please visit our website at http://heller.brandeis.edu/sid.

The Heller School is considered to be one of the top 3 schools of social policy in the United States.
Brandeis University is located outside of Boston, Massachusetts.


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