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Pozvánka na mezinárodní kurz k lidským právům

26. 9. 2005 - PRAHA [OPIM ]

OPIM (Organizace na podporu integrace mensin) zve na mezinarodni kurz k lidskym pravum pod nazvem "Educating Human Rights through Conflict transformation", který se ukuteční 21.-28. listopadu 2005 v Tremosné u Plzně. Kurz je určen pro pracovniky/dobrovolniky neziskoveho sektoru, vychovne poradce a lektory, kteri pracuji ve sfere vzdelavani nebo s mladezi v oblasti lidskych prav. Termin uzaverky prihlasek je 20.10.

Ubytovani, stravovani, 70% jizdneho, materialy, program, vylet jsou plne hrazeny.
Prispevek na pokryti nakladu cinni 50 EUR.

Kurz probiha v anglictine a skolit bude profesionalni mezinarodni tym lektoru s dlouhodobou praxi v oblasti lidskych prav a konflikt managementu, pracujici pro insituce jako jsou Rada Evropy, EU, Evropske forum mladeze.

Podrobne informace naleznete v priloze. Pokud mate zajem se kurzu zucastnit, prosime, vyplnenou prihlasku poslete koordinatorce projektu sl. Jirine Dzamkove na adresu jidaus@seznam.cz nejpozdeji do 20.10.

Educating Human Rights through Conflict transformation

This course combines theoretical and practical aspects of human rights education with great emphasis on conflict transformation as the educational approach to working with young people. It was developed after a successful completion of an international training course on Challenges in human rights education that involved four countries (Poland, Estonia, Germany and the Czech Republic).
This course will be implemented with the support of the Support Measures-Action 5 of the YOUTH Programme and it involves the following partner organizations:
Poland - COMPASS - Polish National Association for Human Rights Education
Czech Republic - OPIM (Organisation Supporting the Integration of Minorities)
Estonia - Trajectory@
Germany - ROPE (European Network of Education and YouthWork)
Italy - Nero e non solo! O.N.L.U.S.

The course will bring together trainers, youth workers and multipliers in order to analyse conceptual framework of human rights education stressing conflict transformation and management, and its usefulness in European youth projects.
The course is designed and structured in a way to learn and develop theoretical and practical skills and knowledge central to human rights education. It is composed of series of workshops focusing on human rights, conflict and specific issues (developing young people’s competence in dealing with discrimination, xenophobia, racism and violence…), methods and approaches to learning process.

2. Aims and objectives of the training course

The main aim of the training course is to give opportunity to trainers, youth workers and multipliers to develop competencies in human rights education and conflict transformation. This is followed by the specific objectives:
To develop participants’ knowledge, skills and attitudes in key concepts of human rights education with young people, conflict transformation and social cohesion
To explore non-formal innovative methods, techniques of non-formal education raising key issues of the course for the use in the local contexts
To exchange experiences and to reflect upon issues like cultural identity, nationality and peaceful conflict transformation
To reflect and promote respect for human dignity and cultural diversity through intercultural learning
To familiarise participants with the new manual Compass (manual on human rights education, Council of Europe) that had been translated into several foreign languages, and adapting it to local contexts and realities.
To develop common follow up projects within a YOUTH Programme
To acknowledge participants with the YOUTH Programme, SALTO programme and networks

3.Programme and methodology

Programme of the training course will be adjusted to the needs of participants and will try to cover the following issues:
- the concept of human rights and human rights education
- issues of conflict management, violence, discrimination and racism
- approaches to learning
- YOUTH Programme

Participants will have the opportunity to use consultations with the trainers – experts in the field. Programme of the course will provide space to work on developing common projects relating to human rights education concepts and young people.

Role plays, simulations, case studies, discussion, presentations and group work in order to explore concrete examples of methodological approaches to human rights education, particularly when it comes to working with disadvantaged youth. This will allow the youth workers and trainers to integrate it in their ongoing work.

4.Team of trainers

The training course will be run by the team of trainers, who are the members of Council of Europe’s Pool of Trainers. The team will be supported by the group of experts and practitioners who will provide theoretical inputs and practical workshops.

Mr. Xavier Baró (Estonia), Trainer of the European Youth Forum, the Youth Directorate of CoE and SALTO. The trainer is specialized in Cultural Diversity, Conflict Transformation and Youth Policy. More information in the profile www.trainers.salto-youth.net/xavierbaro

Mr. Dariusz Grzemny (Poland), Trainer of the European Youth Forum, the Youth Directorate of CoE and SALTO, educational advisor of the Council of Europe (European Youth Centre Budapest). The trainer is specialized in human rights education, gender, youth policy, cultural diversity and cohesion. More information in the profile www.trainers.salto-youth.net/dariuszgrzemny

Ms. Jana Tikalova (Czech Republic), Trainer of the Youth Directorate of CoE, SALTO and Czech National Agency YOUTH (TCP). The trainer is specialized in human rights education, Cultural diversity, intercultural education, migration issues. More information in the profile www.trainers.salto-youth.net/janatikalova

5.Profile of participants

- are actively involved in organisations working directly with young people
- are interested to develop their skills in human rights education and conflict management
- plan to start their work with young people in human rights education, and willing to develop a project
- be able to communicate in English
- be able to participate throughout the full duration of the course

There are limited places per country in order to have geographical balance of the participants.
Participants will be granted a Certificate of participation after completion of the course.


Dates and venue of the training course
The training course will start on Monday 21st November (arrival day) with dinner and welcome evening, and it will end with lunch on Monday 28th November (departure day). Please, arrange your travel accordingly and note that only 7 nights will be reimbursed for you.
The course will take place in Tremosna u Plzne www.exodus.cz with an access for people with disabilities, which is located in the Western part of the Czech Republic (94 km from Prague, 10 km from Plzen).

The language of the training course will be English only. Participants are required to have good level of English (in speaking, reading and writing).

Travel expenses
Travel expenses will be reimbursed following the rules of the YOUTH Programme, on the basis of 70% of total travel expenses (maximum per country see the list below) from the place of departure (participants will be arriving from listed countries) to Tremosna u Plzne.
Please, note that only original receipts and invoices stated the exact amount paid will be reimbursed.
Germany 70% of 170 EUR
Poland 70% of 110 EUR
Estonia 70% of 330 EUR
Italy 70% of 310 EUR
Czech Republic 70% of 35 EUR

Board and lodging
Board, lodging, materials and consultations, as well as a trip to Prague will be organised and provided for free to all selected participants.

Participation fee:
Participants are requested to pay a contribution to all expenses – a participation fee of 50 EUR, which will be deducted from travel expenses.

7. Application procedure
Participants are expected to send completed application form to organisers by 20th October 2005 at the latest. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Further details regarding the programme, venue, travel, weather conditions and other practical and technical details will be sent to the selected participants in the beginning of November.
Should you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Jana Tikalova (project manager) at jana@opim.cz or by phone +420. 737 970 375.

Application forms should be sent by email ONLY to a project assistant Mrs. Jirina Dzamkova at jidaus@seznam.cz

Jana Tikalová


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