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Možnost účasti českého zástupce na workshopu Crisis intervention in the community

16. 9. 2003 - PRAHA [Izraelské velvyslanectví]

Izraelské velvyslanectví v Praze nabízí možnost zájemcům z českého neziskového sektoru zúčastnit se workshopu konaného v Haifě, Izrael v termínu 2. - 26. 2. 2004. Akce si klade za cíl zvýšit pochopení pro komplexnost při vytváření životaschopných a efektivních programů krizové intervence a vytvořit lepší základnu pro komunikaci koordinaci mezi zdravotníky, sociálními pracovníky, policií a dalšími pracovníky. Pro další informace lze kontaktovat paní Ditu Šnajdrovou, tel.: 2333097511, mail: israemba@volny.cz.


2. - 26. 2. 2004

will be held at the The Golda Meir Mount Carmel, International Training Center, Haifa, Israel.

The purpose of the Workshop is twofold - to develop an understanding of the complexity of designing viable, cost-effective programs for crisis intervention and to create a better basis for communication and coordination among health-care workers, social services, police and other professionals.

The workshop is designed for up to 25 professional women and men, between the ages of 30 - 50, who hold senior positions in government and non-governmental organizations and are responsible for developing, managing, planning and operationg services for short and long term intervention.

Candidates should have at least seven years´ experience as well as relevant professional higher education. The course is taught in English. It is essential that potential participants are able to speak, read and write English.

Enclosed you will find a questionnaire that must be filled up by the candidate and sent back to the Embassy. On the basis of the supplied information the course organizers in Israel will choose the most suitable candidates. The Embassy of Israel will inform the candidate whether his/her candidacy was accepted. Completed aplications should reach the Embassy of Israel not later than 1st November 2003.

I would like to stress again that good knowledge of English is an essential condition for participation.

Travel expenses must be covered by the Czech side, whereas all local expenses will be covered by the Israeli side.

Sincerely Yours,

Walid Abu-Haya
Second Secretary


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